Crumble bars

These crumble bars are a delicious activity to get stuck into with the kids or as a whole family. They can be flavoured with chocolate spread or your favourite jam, and can be topped with all your favourite sweet treats! We love to top ours with gooey fudge pieces, crunchy nuts and chocolate chips.

Makes 16

Makes 16




  • 250g plain flour
  • 100g fine semolina
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 250g unsalted butter, cold and cut into small cubes
  • 1 jar of chocolate spread or your favourite jam
  • Handful of chopped nuts, chocolate chips or mini fudge pieces (optional)

Cooking instructions

  • Preheat the oven to 160°C/140°C fan/Gas 3. Line a 20cm square cake tin with baking paper.
  • Mix together the flour, semolina and sugar in a large bowl. Scatter over the cubed butter then rub it into the dry ingredients with your fingers to make a lumpy crumble.
  • Tip half of the mixture into the prepared cake tin then press down with your hands or with the base of a glass to make a flat even layer – it should be quite compacted to form a solid base.
  • Dollop over the chocolate spread or jam and spread out to form an even layer.
  • Mix the chopped nuts, chocolate chips or mini fudge pieces through the remaining crumble mixture then sprinkle this all over the filling. Press down very gently just to fix in pace but you still want to keep a loose, crumbly texture.  
  • Bake for 45 minutes or until the top of the crumble is golden brown and the filling is bubbling at the edges.
  • Leave to cool in the tin, then lift out and cut into 16 squares to serve.

Chef’s tip

We love a crunchy topping with chopped nuts or gooey fudge pieces, but you can use whatever you like. You could even use all three for a completely delicious crumble bar.